Photo of an example of a pump track with cyclists

We’re consulting about a ‘pump track’

What is a pump track? It can be used with cycles, scooters, rollerblades, skateboards etc for fitness and fun.  

The above photo shows a design proposal. The end result may look a little different in design and size.

The map below shows the proposed location of the track, down from Thornley Library and near the Hilly Path. It would be available during daylight hours. 

The track would be designed and built by a British Cycling approved track building company, with over 50 years experience.

We hope to build it in 2024. We want to know what you think. Do you love this idea? Do you have any concerns? Please tell us your opinions using this form, before 28 August 2023.  We will also have information available at all Village Centre events and activities across the summer holidays (more details and a link to Facebook can be found on the Village Centre page).

If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Clerk on or 01429 820200.

Map showing proposed location of the pump track on open land behind Thornley Library and near the Hilly Path

Thornley Parish Council seeks two new Councillors

Have you ever thought about becoming a Parish Councillor? Are you passionate about your local community and would like to help make sure things run smoothly and improve quality of life in your village? Thornley Parish Council provides a range of services in the village, such as the Cemetery, grounds maintenance, Thornley Village Centre and a number of allotments.

The Parish Council has two vacancies and invites you to contact the Parish Clerk for further details. Please express your interest by Friday 25 August 2023, for consideration at the Council’s meeting on 5 September.