floral display by the stone at entrance to Thornley

Local Services: who can help?

Do you have all the information to hand for an emergency? While Thornley Parish Council is not directly responsible for emergency planning, we want to make sure that residents are able to be as prepared as possible and have the details they need should an emergency arise.

You’ll also find some useful links on that page including to Citizens Advice and the local Drug and Alcohol Service.

Please visit our Preparing for Emergencies and Useful Links page for more information.

Photo of flower bed in front of Thornley Village Centre

Have you ever thought about becoming a Parish Councillor?

If you’re passionate about your local community and would like to work with others to improve quality of life in your village, find out more by contacting the Parish Clerk.

Thornley Parish Council provides various services in the village, such as the Cemetery, grounds maintenance, a number of allotments and Thornley Village Centre which offers a wide range of activities and facilities, always looking to secure the best value and make sure the Council services are well run to best suit the needs of our local community. Councillors meet every other month to represent local people, are here for the community and want to make a difference.

Not everyone knows what a parish council looks like and how it works – and it might be different to what you think. Why not get in touch to talk about it?

The Parish Council has two vacancies and invites you to contact the Parish Clerk, Claire Llewelyn, for further details. Please express your interest by Friday 19 April 2024.