Annual Parish Meetings

Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned meetings will take place in Thornley Village Centre, High Street, Thornley on Tuesday 3rd May 2022 at the times stated.
6:15 pm – Annual Parish Meeting.
6:20 pm – Parish Council Annual General Meeting.
6:30 pm – Parish Council Meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Items or Resolutions for discussion must be notified to The Parish Clerk, in writing, to Thornley Village Centre, High Street, prior to the commencement of the meetings.
All residents are invited to attend.

Ukraine Conflict

As the Devastation in Ukraine continues to dominate the news our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine and their friends and families from around the world who are affected by the horrors of this war.

As a gesture of our support the Thornley Pit Wheel will be lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Joyce Unsworth

Chair of Thornley Parish Council

Covid 19

The Parish Council wishes to assure all of its residents that it is doing all within its power to support its residents through the current Covid 19 Pandemic which is likely to be the greatest challenge many will encounter in their lifetime.

It is vital that the Parish Council plays its part and will strive to limit the spread of the virus whilst continuing to provide services to the community.

Although the Village Centre staff are now only working from 10:00 until 1:00 pm each day they are providing a remote service to the residents by handing out free weekly activity packs to families which include competitions to keep children motivated and occupied during the lockdown.

In addition they have set up a ‘listening ear’ service for those residents who may need someone to talk to and for those who need additional support, staff have teamed up with local charities and services so they can refer them to specialist services if required.

Although some facilities have had to be closed off to the public, staff continue to maintain the high standard in Ludworth Road Cemetery and carry out grass cutting, strimming & weed-killing operations on all other areas they are responsible for including the 3 children’s play areas, the out-door gym, War Memorial, Welfare Park Football Ground, Village Centre grounds, Village Entrance Stones, Allotments and Parish Paths plus the ongoing maintenance of parish buildings and equipment.

To this end it has altered its working practices to ensure they comply with Government Regulations on social distancing and have provided all their essential workers with PPE to keep staff safe.

Councillors would like to assure residents that they will continue to work hard to maintain services to the community during these difficult times and look forward to the day when once again they are on a position to provide a full range of activities.

In the mean-time they sincerely hope that no one contracts the Covid 19 virus and that all residents remain safe & healthy. 

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