These are the current policy documents under which Thornley Parish Council operates.
If there are any specific documents that you wish to view which are missing from this page or you cannot access, please contact the Parish Clerk.
- Cemetery Regulations (amended July 2023)
- Cemetery Fees (amended December 2023)
- Cemetery Fees (from 1 December 2024)
- Complaints Procedure (approved May 2024)
- Delegation Scheme (approved March 2023)
- Employee Code of Conduct
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Financial Regulations (approved July 2024)
- Grants and Donations Policy (approved January 2023) and Grants and Donations Form (approved January 2023)
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Statement of General Policy
- Lone Working Policy (approved May 2023)
- Policy for Dealing with the Press and Media (approved July 2023)
- Policy on Use of Parish Council Land (approved May 2023)
- Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy (approved May 2024)
- Standing Orders (approved May 2024)