Thornley Parish Council is pleased to publish the annual report of the Chairperson, Councillor Mrs J. Unsworth, for the past year. The text of the report and a link to the full report are provided below.
Thornley Parish Council Annual Report 2023 to 2024
This has been another challenging year as we try to manage the rising costs of running the Parish Council operations whilst at the same time provide a good service to the community.
I would like to thank the Parish Councillors for their dedication and service to the Parish Council and their commitment to the village to help make Thornley a better place to live for all its residents.
I would like to thank the Village Centre staff who work tirelessly to provide a varied range of activities for all ages that are inclusive whilst at the same time keeping the building clean and tidy and the equipment in good order. We are proud to say that the Special Educational Needs sessions are now well established within the centre activities and are widely appreciated by the SEN community.
Thanks to our grounds maintenance staff who work hard to keep the areas we are responsible for well maintained and looking good and for their involvement in identifying cost saving measures whilst at the same time maintaining our high standards.
Thanks are also extended to our Parish Clerk and Administration Assistant who are the backbone of the Parish Council and show extreme dedication and enthusiasm when faced with the daily challenges of running the Council operations.
Councillor Mrs Joyce Unsworth, Chair, Thornley Parish Council
This report is presented to the Annual Parish Meeting in Thornley, and the Annual Meeting of Thornley Parish Council, held on 14 May 2024
The annual report can also be accessed through this link: Annual Report 2023 to 2024.