Photo of Thornley Village Centre with flowerbed and pit wheel in front

Local Services: who can help?

Do you have all the information to hand for an emergency? While Thornley Parish Council is not directly responsible for emergency planning, we want to make sure that residents are able to be as prepared as possible and have the details they need should an emergency arise.

Please visit our Preparing for Emergencies and Useful Links page for more information.

You’ll also find some useful links on that page to helpful services including Citizens Advice and the local Drug and Alcohol Service.

Photo of Thornley Village Centre with flowerbed

What’s on offer at Thornley Village Centre

Did you know there are lots of activities at the Centre, and you can hire our hall or meeting room for your family or business events?

Our accessible building has a main hall, meeting room and car park, and kitchen facilities. People have hired spaces for parties, training courses, meetings, events and a craft market.

We also have regular activities such as coffee mornings, craft groups and various sports and exercise opportunities.

To find out more and for contact details, see our Village Centre webpage.

photo of Thornley village entrance sign with floral display

Change of Parish Clerk

Thornley Parish Councillors would like to thank W D Moore for his dedicated years of service to the Parish Council and residents of Thornley.

Welcome to the new Parish Clerk, Claire Llewelyn, who started work with the Council in December 2022.


Durham County

Election of Parish Councillors for

Thornley Parish


Thursday 6 May 2021

I, John Hewitt being the Returning Officer at the above election, report that the persons whose names appear below were duly elected Parish Councillors for Thornley Parish

Name of CandidateHome AddressDescription (if any)
GRANT Jude  20 Gore Hill Estate, Thornley, Durham, DH6 3DS 
MADDISON Patricia  9 Asquith Street, Thornley, Durham, DH6 3AQ 
SMITH Dave  14 Shinwell Crescent, Thornley, Co Durham, DH6 3DJThe For Britain Movement
UNSWORTH Joyce  8 Galt Street, Thornley, Durham, DH6 3AH 
UNSWORTH Ter  8 Galt Street, Thornley, Durham, DH6 3AH 

Public Questions & Answers

Members of the public who wish to ask a question at the next Parish Council Meeting are requested to submit it in writing to the Parish Clerk beforehand so that seating can be reserved and social distancing measures can be maintained during the current Coronavirus Pandemic.

Notice of Parish Meeting

Residents are invited to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Main Hall of Thornley Village Centre, High Street, Thornley on Tuesday 7th July 2020 commencing 7:00pm.

A copy of the Agenda and the Minutes of the previous meeting can be found elsewhere on the Parish Website.

Whilst the Coronavirus Lockdown measures are being eased, the number of people allowed to attend may me restricted in order to maintain the social distancing measures that are still in place.